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Meet Our Agents

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CEO , Capstone Real Estate LLC
Real Estate Sales Manager
Real Estate Leasing Manager
Real Estate Consultant , Capstone Real Estate LLC
With over 10 years in the Real Estate Industry in two geographies, I’m a...
Real Estate Consultant , Capstone Real Estate LLC
Real Estate Consultant , Capstone Real Estate LLC
Real Estate Consultant , Capstone Real Estate LLC
With extensive experience in Qatar, Jordan, and UAE, I am confident that I can...
Real Estate Consultant
I have had the privilege of working in three countries—Qatar, Kuwait, and the UAE—gaining...


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Capstone Real Estate made relocating easy. They found me the perfect apartment! I told them I wanted one close to the school where I teach and with a nearby park for my night-time strolls and they gave me 5 options to choose from!
by Sarah Rodart-Henry
Expatriate Teacher
Capstone Real Estate's sales team found a buyer for my villa on Saadiyat Island within a few days. Expert management of my property sale and got me a great price as well. All documentation and paperwork was 100% perfect.
by Ahmed Ali bin Hassan
Real Estate Investor, Abu Dhabi
Capstone facilitated my investment in Dubai from Russia. Full presentation of new projects via internet and my property was ready when I landed in Dubai. All papers were in order, and I signed and took the property handover. Great service.
by Dmitry Andreevich Vasilyev

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